Xin Xiao Zhu--Your Personal Mental Health Assistant

Author: Zhijie Zhang

Empower your mental wellness with Xin Xiao Zhu – your personal AI assistant for better mental health.


Firstly, we will focus on discussing various use cases and user needs of Xin Xiao Zhu for different target user segments. This analysis will help to better understand the market landscape and determine how Xin Xiao Zhu can provide the best value to its user base.

Application Scenario

Personal use:

Medical institutions:

Psychological counseling institutions:

Educational institutions:

Targeted End User

  End users (referring to individual users) require personalized psychological support and treatment based on their unique symptoms and needs, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and occupational stress. These issues require professional psychological knowledge and experience to be relieved and treated. Therefore, Xin Xiao Zhu provides mental health assessments, personalized treatment suggestions, and measures to enhance psychological resilience, promote physical and mental health, and improve happiness and quality of life.

Targeted End User Requirements


Below is pertinent information pertaining to the utilization of the application by the target demographic.

Generation of Identity Files

Organize the name, gender, age, and other relevant information entered by the user into an identity file for future use.

Analyze Possible Symptoms

Perform an analysis of potential psychological issues based on symptoms provided by the user, however, it should be noted that this is only a preliminary assessment and may not be entirely applicable to the user's specific situation.

Generate Questionnaire

Output a targeted questionnaire for the user to fill out and confirm their psychological problems, enhancing treatment plan accuracy.

Provide Final Diagnosis

Provide a final judgment based on the user's symptoms and questionnaire responses, and provide the reasons for why this judgment is made.

Give Suggestions

Provide corresponding treatment plans based on the final judgment and user profile (consistent with the user's identity).

Provide Specific Examples

Provide specific examples for users' reference based on the suggestions in the treatment plan to meet their identity.

Generate Consultation Chatbot

Xin Xiao Zhu has a Consultation Chatbot that provides professional advice and treatment plans for psychological problems based on a rich knowledge base and AI algorithms. Users can interact with the Chatbot for accurate diagnosis and the Chatbot can collect more information to better understand the user's situation.


Now, we will describe how we learn task knowledge from LLM, experiment with task prompt effectiveness, and summarize the challenges faced and advantages gained after using LLM.

Discourse with LLM

  Some Exploratory research was carried out with LLM to understand the knowledge needs. Through these experiments (Sometimes, Xin Xiao Zhu makes mistakes in judgment or gives suggestions that do not meet the user's symptoms. Therefore, I set the Xin Xiao Zhu output to be specific to the user's symptoms, and if the user is not satisfied with the output, I can request a new output until the user is satisfied.), I have found that using large language models can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment, and provide more specific treatment recommendations and measures. This provides more powerful capabilities and advantages for our software Xin Xiao Zhu.


  When it comes to psychological therapy services, LLM may face challenges in terms of requiring more precise data and knowledge to effectively meet users' needs. Additionally, since counseling involves users' personal psychological health issues, AI chains must address challenges related to user privacy and security in their design. Therefore, it is crucial to consider how to protect user privacy and security while providing efficient services when designing an AI chain for psychological therapy.


  Xin Xiao Zhu's use of large language models allows for efficient and accurate processing of large amounts of user data, allowing for more effective identification and treatment of psychological issues. With continuous learning and improvement through AI technology, Xin Xiao Zhu can adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of its users, improving its overall effectiveness over time. This not only benefits end-users but also enables mental health professionals to deliver more personalized and effective care. Furthermore, Xin Xiao Zhu's use of technology allows for greater accessibility, making psychological therapy services more widely available to those who may have difficulty accessing traditional in-person therapy sessions.


Next, let me introduce my AI chain design and major features.

Figure-1: AI Chain of Xin Xiao Zhu



  Sapper is a highly promising AI integrated development environment (IDE) designed especially for those who lack a computer science background. With its no-code programming and graphical drag-and-drop development, users can quickly develop various artificial intelligence applications. The emergence of this tool has addressed the application challenges of AI technology, increasing work efficiency and creating more opportunities for local economic growth.
  The launch of Sapper has provided a more convenient way for people to create their own AI applications, enabling intelligent processing in various scenarios. It is an important step towards integrating AI technology into people's daily lives, and in the future, it will continue to be upgraded and improved to provide users with even better services and experiences.

Potential Development Direction of Xin Xiao Zhu